Dear Friends,
Today was Maricopa County鈥檚 single highest reported positive COVID-19 case count at 1,377 positive cases. We have a total of 20,670 positive cases with 52.5% of those cases occurring June 1- June 15 since we began tracking cases on January 22. We are also seeing record numbers of emergency room visits and hospitalizations since the pandemic started. Through yesterday, 49% of positive cases were within the 20-44 age range with a 12% hospitalization rate. On June 1, that age group only made up 42% of positive cases with a 7% hospitalization rate.
This data is available at
Maricopa County has added over 100 contact tracing positions and has partnerships with AZ 2-1-1, a Crisis Response Network program, as well as partnerships with ASU and UofA to support contact tracing efforts. Ultimately, we will have roughly 500 people working on contact tracing. However, currently test results are taking 7-10 days due to the sheer number of people presenting symptoms and needing tests. The labs are at capacity.
We know the risk of serious illness is greater for adults over 65 and those with chronic medical conditions, but anyone can spread the disease and a positive case typically spreads the virus to two to three others.
Please do your part to stop the spread of COVID-19. Wear a mask if you cannot social distance 6 feet or more. Wear a mask if you are in a public place such as a grocery store or retail store. Limit gatherings to 10 people or less. And as always, wash your hands or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.
Stay Safe,
Bill Gates
Gates serves as a County Supervisor for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
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